EGP Berlin 2013

30. Juni 2013

  • Date: June 29th – 30th
  • Location: Café „Paule & Paulinchen“, Schönwalder Straße 23, 13585 Berlin ‎- Spandau
  • Tourney format: 11 rounds + finals
  • Number of players: 12
  • Berlin EGP on Facebook

At the end of the first day of the Berlin EGP, Matthias Berg leads with 6 points. Francesco Marconi and Takuji Kashiwabara both have 5.5 points. Marc Tastet, who recently won the Grand Prix De France, had a very disappointing result, only two wins out of seven. It  looks like he will win not win a lot of EGP points this time. But…… tomorrow never dies.

Team Great-Britain outnumbers the German hometeam, what a pitty that the German Othello Federation could only get 2 of it’s players to attend the tourney. Like in the EGP Athens, no players from Holland. Have they lost their zest for travel?

Results of round 5 : 
 1  MARCONI Francesco   — LEADER Imre   40/24
 2  KRACZYK Roman  — TURNER Ian   44/20
 3  TURNER Kali   — BERG Matthias   00/64
 4  ODEGARD Martin   — KASHIWABARA Takuji   29/35
 5  FRONMARK Marcus — TASTET Marc  37/27
 6  RENNEKAMP Billy  — SCHAAF Michael   10/54

Results of round 7 :
 1  FRONMARK Marcus   — BERG Matthias  26/38
 2  TURNER Kali  — MARCONI Francesco  07/57
 3  RENNEKAMP Billy   — KASHIWABARA Takuji  22/42
 4  KRACZYK Roman   — TASTET Marc  22/42
 5  ODEGARD Martin   — LEADER Imre   30/34
 6  SCHAAF Michael  — TURNER Ian  29/35
Ranking of the 12 players after round 7:  1:   6.  pts [441]   BERG Matthias {DEU}
  2:   5.5 pts [425]   MARCONI Francesco {ITA}
               [411]   KASHIWABARA Takuji {FRA}
  4:   4.  pts [416]   FRONMARK Marcus {SWE}
               [401]   LEADER Imre {GBR}
               [370]   TURNER Ian {GBR}
               [365]   KRACZYK Roman {POL}
  8:   3.  pts [404]   ODEGARD Martin {NOR}
               [391]   SCHAAF Michael {DEU}
 10:   2.  pts [392]   TASTET Marc {FRA}
 11:   1.  pt  [209]   TURNER Kali {GBR}
 12:   0.  pt  [227]   RENNEKAMP Billy {USA}

Takuji Kashiwabara won the EGP Berlin in a 3-game final against Matthias Berg. Francesco Marconi won the playoff for 3rd place against Imre Leader. This was the first victory in the 2013 EGP for Takuji. His best result this year was a second place in Barcelona. Francesco Marconi still leads the 2013 EGP with 580 points, but Takuji is right behind him with 490 points.

Ranking of the 12 players after round 11:1: 10. pts BERG Matthias {DEU}
2: 9.5 pts KASHIWABARA Takuji {FRA}
3: 8.5 pts MARCONI Francesco {ITA}
4: 7. pts LEADER Imre {GBR}
               TURNER Ian {GBR}
6: 6.5 pts FRONMARK Marcus {SWE}
7: 5.5 pts ODEGARD Martin {NOR}
8: 4. pts TASTET Marc {FRA}
                KRACZYK Roman {POL}
10: 3. pts SCHAAF Michael {DEU}
11: 1. pt TURNER Kali {GBR}
12: 0. pts RENNEKAMP Billy {USA}

Top 4 European Grand Prix Berlin:

2: BERG Matthias {DEU}
3: MARCONI Francesco {ITA}
4: LEADER Imre {GBR}

Takuji Kashiwabara, EGP champion in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011 and 2012


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