Köln International WM-Warm-up-Turnier

4. November 2012

Köln, Germany, November 3 – 4

German players: Matthias Berg,  Daniel Rößler, Günther Beyer, Leo Evers, Beate Offerzier, Stefan Murawski and Michael Schaaf.
Foreign players: Kelvin Yang (Hong Kong), Leonid Shifman (Israel), Arthur Juigner (France), Mehul Vyas (India),  Iain Barras (Great Britain), Palle Badsted (Denmark),  Ben Ruhmkorff (USA) and 4 players from the Netherlands: Jan de Graaf, Marcel Sneek, Roel Hobo and Martin Fransen.
 * name in bold: plays at 36th WOC, November 7 – 10

Jan de Graaf and Marcel Sneek are tourney directors of the upcoming World Championship in Leeuwarden. The tourney organisation takes up a lot of their time. But this weekend………. they play!!!!! Believe it or not, the third tourney director, Bengt Steentoft, also plays at a tourney this weekend. But no Othello for him. He hopes to be the 2012 World Champion Rummikub. Or will Henrik Vallund, othello player from Denmark, grab the Rummi-CUP? The Rummykub final will be played on top of mount Etna, I’d love to see both othello players on top of the volcano.

Day 1
Matthias leads at the end of the first day. He lost only half a point in a draw game in round 3 against Roel Hobo. It looked like there would be two players at the top at the end of day 1, but Roel lost  his game in round 7 against Ben Ruhmkorff and so took second place with 5.5 points.

Day 2
Matthias lost his first game on sunday against Kelvin Yang, what a pitty that game is not online. After round 9 Matthias and Roel both had 7.5 points, followed by Ben Ruhmkorff on 3rd place with 6.5 points. Ben had to win the next games to have a chance to make it to the final, but he lost in round 10 against Iain Barrass, while both Matthias and Roel won. So even before the final round was played, Roel and Matthias had qualified for the final. Arthur Juigner won all his games on day 2, including the play-off for 3rd place against Daniel Rossler.

games are online

WOC points have been added to the table below

HOBO Roel 23 – 41 BERG Matthias
BERG Matthias 40 –  24 HOBO Roel

Playoff 3rd / 4th place
ROSSLER Daniel 29 – 35 JUIGNER Arthur

Beginners final:
Günther Beyer won the final against Beate Offerzier.

Quelle: https://othellonews.weebly.com/november-2012.html

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