Prag EGP 2017

19. Februar 2017

Das Turnier in Prag war für das deutsche Team bestehend aus Matthias Berg, Jörg Gärtner und Stefan Murawski sehr erfolgreich. Matthias konnte nach starker Leistung und dem Einzug in das Finale nach 3 spannenden Partien den 1. Platz im Turnier erkämpfen. Jörg erreichte 5.5 Punkte und Stefan 5 Punkte aus ingesamt 11 Partien.

Hallo zusammen, obwohl ich dazu nicht bestellt bin, möchte ich mal einwerfen, dass Matthias, Jörg und Stefanin den letzten beiden Tagen in Mito alle drei für sie herausragende Vorstellungen geliefert haben. Bravo ! Spontan fallen mir da besonders zwei der Siege von Matthias ein, obwohl ich keine Zeit hatte, die so recht zu analysieren, aber die Gegner waren beachtlich: Partie 12 gegen Nicky: den er gleich in der Eröffnung…

Deutsche Meisterschaft 2016

14. August 2016

Location: Kelbra, GermanyDate: August 13-14​Link: ​LiveOthello What a great result for Matthias Berg, he won his 15th national title with a perfect score of 10/10! Ranking of the 5 players after round 10:1: 10. pts [463] BERG Matthias (5301) {DEU}2: 7.5 pts [395] ROSSLER Daniel (70002) {DEU}3: 5.5 pts [316] JALILIFAR Morteza (390000) {IRN}4: 5. pts [274] ZIMMERMANN Frank (5338) {DEU}​5: 2. pts [232] MURAWSKI Stefan (5324) {DEU} Quelle:

Location: Berlin, GermanyDate: August 22nd – 23rdTourney format: double round robinLink: LiveOthello Matthias Berg won the German National Othello Championship for the 14th time since 2001. Congrats to a great Champion!  Mattias only failed to win the 2008 Championship. That was the year of Andreas Hoehne’s comeback. Matthias Berg played very well all tourny but lost the best of three final 1-2.Take a look at Tom Schotte’s  table of multiple champions. Matthias is runner-up…

Berlin EGP 2015

22. März 2015

winner: Nicky van den Biggelaar Hello everyone, the Berlin EGP will be March 21/22 at Cityhostel Berlin, Glinkastr. 5-7, D-10117 Berlin. It’s right in the center of Berlin so we’ll have several options for food in nearby restaurants. For those that were here last EGP… the Chinese Restaurant we went to is really around the corner. It’s a hostel so the prices of accomodation can be quite good. I just looked up rooms for that time…

DM 2015 in Kelbra

15. Juni 2014

Matthias Berg wins German Othello National Championship Location: Kelbra, GermanyDate: June 14th – 15thTourney format: double round robin Matthias Berg wins the German National Othello Championship with 9/10. He only lost the game in round 8 against Daniel Rössler.  This is Matthias‘ 13th title, the first one was in 2001, only time his winning streak was interrupted was in 2008. That year the German Champion was Andreas Höhne. Second place with 7…

Othello-DM 2013

18. August 2013

Kelbra, Germany, August 17th – 18thTourney format: 7 rounds and finals Not a big surprise that Matthias Berg won the German National Championship, but it was not an easy victory like in 2012. He lost 2 games on Saturday, against Daniel Rossler and Gunnar Bach. He would not have made it to the final if Gunnar Bach  had not overlooked a swindle in his game in round 7 against Frank…

EGP Berlin 2013

30. Juni 2013

At the end of the first day of the Berlin EGP, Matthias Berg leads with 6 points. Francesco Marconi and Takuji Kashiwabara both have 5.5 points. Marc Tastet, who recently won the Grand Prix De France, had a very disappointing result, only two wins out of seven. It  looks like he will win not win a lot of EGP points this time. But…… tomorrow never dies. Team Great-Britain outnumbers the…

Köln, Germany, November 3 – 4 German players: Matthias Berg,  Daniel Rößler, Günther Beyer, Leo Evers, Beate Offerzier, Stefan Murawski and Michael Schaaf.Foreign players: Kelvin Yang (Hong Kong), Leonid Shifman (Israel), Arthur Juigner (France), Mehul Vyas (India),  Iain Barras (Great Britain), Palle Badsted (Denmark),  Ben Ruhmkorff (USA) and 4 players from the Netherlands: Jan de Graaf, Marcel Sneek, Roel Hobo and Martin Fransen. * name in bold: plays at 36th WOC, November 7 – 10 Jan de Graaf and Marcel Sneek are tourney directors of the upcoming World Championship in Leeuwarden. The tourney…

Othello DM 2012

6. August 2012

Karlsruhe, Germany, 4 – 5 August Matthias Berg played a perfect tourney and won the German Championship 2012.  He won all his games in the 11 rounds and defeated Sebastian Schmidt  in the final in 2 games. The same two finalists as last year, and again 2 – 0 for Matthias, Daniel Rößler  defeated Marlis Elger in the play-off for the third and fourth place. All four have now qualified for…